Blueberry Dream

Picture of Blueberry Dream

Didn’t have a dream last night? You can make it up by having a Blueberry Dream in the morning.

I use banana in almost all my smoothies because it pairs well with any fruit or vegetable, and it makes the consistency smooth and creamy. Bananas also contain high carbohydrates and potassium which gives you energy, hence perfect to start your day with. Strangely enough, I can’t recall the last time I ate a banana on its own… I find bananas MUCH more delicious when they are incorporated in foods.

[serves 1]


2 frozen bananas

1/2 cup frozen blueberries

2 tbsp almond butter 

1 tsp maca powder

1 tsp spiruilina

1 tbsp coconut shreds

1/2 cup almond milk


Homemade granola

Ground flax

Chia seeds

Hemp hearts

